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Number of people in the Department of FRB Prog Dir-Living Units : 14
Maximum Salary:$ 80,511.66
Average Salary:$ 63,904.24
Minimum Salary:$ 44,842.43

Minnesota State Salaries for 2019Page 1 of 1
Name Agency

Bargaining Unit
Soderholm, Lori Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Security Casewrkr Career
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 80,511.66 $ 0.00 $ 80,511.66
Braulik, Ann M. Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Security Casewrkr Career
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 77,810.80 $ 0.00 $ 77,810.80
Mustazza, Anthony Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 72,428.74 $ 0.00 $ 72,428.74
Mitchell, Christopher M Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Lieutenant
Middle Management Association
$ 71,757.45 $ 0.00 $ 72,204.32
Koberg, Jody A Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Lieutenant
Middle Management Association
$ 71,045.01 $ 0.00 $ 71,126.92
Swagger, David L Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 70,943.85 $ 0.00 $ 70,943.85
Petersen, Jeffrey L Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Transitions Program Coord
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 62,850.35 $ 0.00 $ 62,850.35
Tuthill, Amanda L Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Security Casewrkr Career
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 61,911.88 $ 0.00 $ 61,911.88
Roush, Jeremiah D Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Chief Cook
$ 48,757.69 $ 9,707.24 $ 59,904.40
Besser, Daniel L Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Security Casewrkr Career
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 59,064.38 $ 0.00 $ 59,064.38
Ranta, Samuel L Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Security Casewrkr
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 57,791.24 $ 0.00 $ 57,791.24
Buhrandt, Mark W Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Transitions Program Coord
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 53,678.57 $ 0.00 $ 53,678.57
Pettigrew, Quenilla J Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Corr Transitions Program Coord
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 49,554.21 $ 35.61 $ 49,589.82
VanHaren, Faith M Corrections Dept

FRB Prog Dir-Living Units
Office & Admin Specialist Int
$ 44,842.43 $ 0.00 $ 44,842.43

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